
The 3 Building Blocks Of Quality Customer Support, Part 2

#3. Effective management 

Not surprisingly, we already mentioned the role of management. Any team of great customer service reps would fail if management is not well-prepared and flexible enough.  Here are a few examples of what management should be aware of and some best practices they should be applying in their work:


Forecasting and Staffing

If the management team underestimates the importance of […]

The 3 Building Blocks of Quality Customer Support, Part 1

Did you ever think that the way you view the quality of your customer support is probably completely different than what your customers and clients think of it? How to narrow that gap?


80% of companies say they deliver “superior” customer service. In the mean time only 8% of people think these same companies do so.[1] Let’s think. Why this huge […]

Top 5 Customer Support Issues, Part 2


4. Training of the Agents – They Need Both Technology and Emotions (Empathy)
Educate, train, and inspire your staff every day.

While customers don’t call customer support when they can find a solution of their problem online, it also means that customers who do request help from agents generally have more difficult issues to resolve and require agents who possess specialized knowledge.  

– You […]

Top 5 Customer Support Issues, Part 1

“If we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will do.”

Human society is changing and the outcome of this transition […]

The Can I get a discount culture

Have you asked yourself the question why so many of your clients ask for a discount? Have you wondered why so many of your sales people give a discount – over and over again? Yes, today will be talking about the Can I get a discount culture.

Is the problem in your clients or it is in your sales people… or maybe it’s […]