3 Ways to Create Amazing First Impression

3 Ways to Create Amazing First Impression

добро впечатление good impressionAccording to a research, it takes only one tenth of a second for a person to form a first impression about another person, situation or something else, like, say, a business, which he encounters for the first time. Speaking of this, the first impression leaves a deep print in the mind of every new customer. It depends on whether it’s positive or negative if a customer will continue to work with the said company. This is why, brands need to make sure they create good first impression, whether with a beautiful website, brochure or a perfect customer experience.

Do you want your clients to form the right first impression about your business?

If we need to make a comparison, it makes sense to compare brands with people – when we meet someone new, we don’t know anything about him or her, so we create our opinion based on observation. If we don’t form a good first impression, we won’t give ourselves a chance to get to know this man/woman. It’s the same with companies.
Companies need to make sure every new customer, who visits their website/store or communicates with their employees, will receive the best service, in a way to form himself a good first impression.

Here are some ways to make an amazing first impression to your new customers.

Personal message

When a new customer signs up for your service or buys your product, a personal, good looking now, that shows how grateful you are about doing business with the said customer, is a sure way to make a good impression. The effect is doubled if the message is written by a real person and not some automated, randomly generated mail. This way you create conditions for emotional bonding, especially if you create a dialog – ask the customer a question – how did he find out about your service, why did he choose your product, and anything else which will help you provide the customer with a better service.

Step by step

The easier – the better. When it comes to new customers, who meet your product/company/service for the first time, they should feel comfortable, no matter the situation. The solution for this is simple – show your customer how to use your product step by step.
Respect the time of your customers and make their life easier, by showing them how to tune the initial settings of your product in several, easy, numbered steps. It is a sure sign for a business that takes care of its customers.

Welcome gift

Sending a gift for a first purchase is an interesting way to impress your customers with a nice surprise. In a time when everything happens online, physical gifts are a rare thing. This is exactly why their effectiveness is great. A T-shirt, fridge magnet, even a handwritten note, which contains a discount code – any gift is a good idea and will start a long term business relations.

Customers are not used to having a good first impression about companies, simply because companies don’t bother to create such impression in their new customers. This is why, focusing on a positive first impression can help you differentiate from your competition and get several steps on front of them in the race for most customers.
If these advices are useful to you, but you need a professional help when it comes to increasing sales and customer numbers – we are at your service. Check out our services and give us a call.