The Can I get a discount culture

The Can I get a discount culture


Have you asked yourself the question why so many of your clients ask for a discount? Have you wondered why so many of your sales people give a discount – over and over again? Yes, today will be talking about the Can I get a discount culture.

Is the problem in your clients or it is in your sales people… or maybe it’s you who didn’t recruit the right people and train them the right way?

Certainly many clients ask for a discount, but it is not their fault. The whole problem starts with sales people who are not convinced in themselves and the value of whatever they sell.

The first part of the problem is solved by recruiting the right sales people. The second part is about convincing them that the product or service they sell DOES have the value that they’re trying to convince your clients it has. We’ll be discussing recruitment and sales training elsewhere but let me give some hints that’ll guide you in dealing with the Can I get a discount culture.

First of all – is it about pricing really? No. It is about value and whether your sales person is convinced in the value of what they sell. If they are not convinced how do you expect them to convince the client? If the client senses an unsure sales person how do you expect them not to ask for a lower price?

The key to solving this problem is pretty simple. A sales person has to be open, has to be able to gain trust by asking relevant questions and listening to the client’s answers in order to find out where the real pain of the client is. Then you match the pain with the right solution and here’s where your gain is. No pain no gain.

Once you know where the pain is and what the solution to is, you can assume the sale. Just ask for it. And believe me, no client would ask for a discount in that situation. They wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that – it’s just that they are convinced in the value of the solution that cures their pain.

So are your sales people convinced in the value of what they sell?

Do they convey the right message to your clients?

How do your sales people search for and find out where the real pain is?

These are certainly questions worth thinking about. Have you thought about them already?


Enjoy your day and sell more today than you did yesterday!