How to outsource your lead generation effectively
There is a time in most companies’ life, when they need to make a difficult decision – to outsource their lead generation to another company (usually an expert in the field) or to do their lead generation in-house, hiring their own team for the job.
Yes, both choices have their strengths, but if you decide to take the path of outsourcing, here is what you need to know, so you can make the most out of this (right) decision.
First, you need to brief the third party company on your product/service. And it should be done well, because it is essential for the effectiveness of the campaign. The more they know – the better, because based on the information they have, they will create the pitch that will be communicated to the customer on the phone. Your best bet is to create a list with all of your product’s features, benefits and customer testimonials, which the third party can use when generating leads.
This way, the customer service agents can present the product fast in the best possible way. Because, on the first call, they have between 8 and 10 seconds to give a good reason for calling the customer and actually making him interested in what they have to tell. You may sell lamps with magical genies in them, but if your agent can’t explain the reason he’s calling, his call is as good as a mistake call in the middle of the night.
Another mandatory thing is to give your outsourcing lead generation company as many customer testimonials as possible, so they can grab the attention of the caller faster. This includes company’s name, what product hey used, why and what for, and also why they chose your company.
Once these two things are sorted out, you can move onto the briefing process. The professional lead generation company will not only provide you with dedicated agents for your campaign, but also with a campaign manager, who will manage the campaign, so you won’t have to. You should discuss with the campaign manager all the specifications surrounding the campaign – positioning the product, overcoming rejections, passing the generated leads (by phone, email, shared profiles etc.). Also, you should get information on how and how often are you going to receive updates on the campaign – daily, weekly, monthly updates via email or any other way that is suitable for you. The format of the updates is important, because in the right format, you can upload the leads directly into your CRM solution.
Once the campaign starts and things start to move on, you should receive a call from the campaign manager at the end of the first day, just to update you on how things are going, if there were any problems and if changes are need to be made. Just a feedback that will help you tweak the campaign. Also, you can help the agents on the first day by listening to their calls and helping with real time solutions. But whatever you do – you should regularly speak with the campaign manager about the campaign and what needs to be changed.
In order to keep an eye on the whole process, ensure that you receive reports. Both parties can have an online portal or a software where all the call are documented, and where you can see all the important metrics of the campaign – number of calls made, number of conversions made, number of emails sent etc.
And of course – once you have a lead from your outsourcing lead generation company – keep them updated on the results from the lead.
If you need to outsource your lead generation and you are looking for a professional team with big experience in the field – contact us, this is exactly what we do.