10 Reasons to Outsource Your Call Center pt1
Big companies prefer to stay focused on core competencies to stay successful. This is why they outsource the functions of their call centers to specialized service providers as ours. Handling all the phone calls, emails and web chats in-house might seem like a good idea, but establishing a multichannel contact center is expensive. It requires facilities, technology, equipment and a good amount of investments in training and managing a staff for the job. The effective outsourcing engagement can improve customer satisfaction and provide many additional benefits, which we will round up for you in the next two articles:
1. Reduced costs – as we’ve mentioned before, setting up a call center is and expensive thing and can push your company’s overall costs up. However, outsourcing your call center to a professional customer service company can cut those costs significantly, with bigger ROI (return of investment). Moreover, payment methods vary and you can find the one that suits you best and you get access to carefully created customer databases that will cost your company a lot of time to assemble in-house. And we know what time is;
2. Flexibility – call volumes rise and fall, and call centers should adapt immediately. While low volumes of calls can lead to idle customer service agents for in-house call centers, professional customer service companies don’t have to deal with such problems, because they have multiple clients and can keep call volumes above minimum at any time, keep agents efficient and reduce costs-per-call. In the alternative situation, outsourced call centers have the experience and the staff to reorganize quickly if call volumes spike due to seasonal activity or major marketing campaign;
3. Dedication – while in-house call center agents are often train to handle questions for a specific product or service, agents at outsourced call centers can handle different customers’ processes. They can quickly adapt to different scenarios and manage calls like experts. Add the perfect command of more than one language and you get many satisfied, repeat customers;
4. Expert management and staff – because telemarketing is the core business of call center vendors, they often train or hire the most professional agents and managers with the proper knowledge and skills for top-tier customer service. While in-house call centers often find it difficult to develop such type of staff, because of budget limitations or hiring policies;
5. Cost management tools – customer service companies invest in tools and expertise to precisely measure costs-per-call. Most of the time, the details over these costs are presented to the client with the monthly bill for using their services, thus helping him evaluate the effectiveness of his marketing campaigns and overall operations. In-house call centers, on the other hand, have problems with tying every cost to a specific call or measure per-call costs, which makes it challenging for the company to evaluate the effectiveness and the profitability of their call center;