20 Biggest mistakes when Generating Leads
When it comes to generating leads, marketers must balance between generating as much leads as possible and generating actual quality leads that will turn into sales. There is a fine line between those two methods, because quality leads are easier to convert into sales, but without a sufficient number of leads, converting enough prospects into customers is difficult.
However, most marketers make the mistake of not doing just one of those things, so they end up with many leads with no quality at all, or with some quality leads, that are too few to make the difference.
But this isn’t the only mistake companies make when it comes to lead generation. Let’s check out a list of the most common mistakes and see how we can learn from them:
- The lead generating content does not resonate with the audience it is targeting;
- Force feeding a lead gen campaign into situations where they don’t fit in, like when customers aren’t as focused on taking action as they need to be to create a lead;
- Asking too much from the first touch point with your target audience;
- Assuming people care about your brand enough to use your product/service without actual quality provided;
- Ignoring email subscription;
- Just because someone filled a form for downloading a free book, doesn’t mean he is ready to buy a product;
- Companies don’t analyze data from lead generation;
- Canceling a lead generation campaign after 2-3 days without giving it enough time to work or analyzing the reasons it still hasn’t matured yet;
- Selling without making any connection with the prospect;
- Not targeting deep enough to generate quality leads;
- Concentrating on generating as many hits on the “follow” button or filled surveys as possible, without focusing on why do people click the “follow” button or fill the form;
- Assuming what your target audience needs and wants without actually knowing what the need and want;
- Asking a barrage of questions without actually making a coherent onversation;
- A lead form asking for too much information;
- Automating the lead generation process and expecting the sales to pour in;
- No call to action or too many calls to action;
- A bad or missing process of following through on opportunities;
- Not outsourcing a problematic field of your lead generation (or the whole) process to a professional company;
- Spamming prospects with too much irrelevant information;
- Siloing marketing department or the call center;
Did you recognize some of your mistakes in this list? If you need your lead generation done right – contact us, we are professionals.