Home-office agents? Yes, please!

When it comes to home-office agents, most employers take this position – it is difficult enough to supervise and coach an in-house team of agents, who are as close as the next room, not to mention if they are fa away, working from home. The modern situation, however, shows that home-office agents can be as effective (if not even more) […]

Empathy in customer service

Despite looking kind of simple, customer service is a multilayered process with a lot of specifications. The reason is customers evaluate differently what is good customer service and what is not. Of course, finding a solution to their problem is one of the most important things, bud good customer service isn’t simply solving a problem. Quick reactions, good timing, punctuality, […]

Outsourced corporate trainings – the practical aspect

One of the most important issues, concerning the effectiveness of trainings, is their application in practice. Gaining knowledge is important, but for a company the most important thing is whether this knowledge leads to certain financial benefits. This case may occur with both in-house and external trainings. Of course, the best case scenario is theory training, which can be checked […]

Why periodical sales trainings are important?

In order to be successful, a company needs to focus its efforts onto the entire staff – from managers to employees. The irreplaceable link in this chain are the salesmen – they are the face of the company, they bring new customers and future revenue depends on them. Achieving better results is directly linked to the proper performance of traders, […]

Training and development trends

Nowadays, organizations that fail to adapt their practices and solutions for training management, often hamper their organizational growth or productivity. As a result, leading companies abandon traditional training methods in favor of more efficient solutions, often involving technological innovation that engage talent and improve productivity.
Organizations are facing some critical pressure points, including lack of leaders, need to develop and engage […]