The 20 Most Important Metrics For Content Marketing Pt.2
It all began here – The 20 Most Important Metrics For Content Marketing Pt.1
4. Engagement:
4.1. Comments – the number of comments on any piece of content can give you a feel for the overall engagement. However, you should consider the fact that nowadays most of the conversations happen on social media, be it on your fan page or on the customers’ walls, so search there if you think your comments count is too low;
4.2. Page depth – this metric shows you exactly how many pages a user gets through before leaving your website. You’ll want to structure your content in such a way that it delivers a greater page depth. This means your users read a piece of content and get interested enough to read another one, and another one etc. before leaving;
5. Leads:
5.1. New leads generated – you should use your CRM and marketing automation tool to calculate this one. It will show you how many leads you have generated with your content;
5.2. Leads touched – another one that you’ll need the help from your marketing and CRM automation tool for. This one shows how many of your existing leads interacted with a piece of content from your blog or website;
6. Sales:
6.1. Pipeline generated – with the help of the first-touch attribution model, you can calculate the total financial value of all opportunities in which the lead associated with it got a first touch with a piece of your content;
6.2. Pipeline touched – this is the same as the previous one, but here you are calculating the financial value of opportunities where the lead touched a particular piece of content you own;
6.3. Revenue influenced – with this metric you can calculate the value of the revenue which your content got you. It’s based on the piece or pieces of content, that your customer viewed prior to the deal;
7. Production/cost:
7.1. Time to publish – a metric that shows you your time efficiency – how long does it take for an idea to turn in to a published piece of content;
7.2. Content throughput – another one for efficiency. It shows how many published pieces of content you, your team or individuals from your team create for a period of time (weekly, monthly, yearly);
7.3. Content backlog – divide the average numbers of days between posts with the average days since the last visit of a user and you will get a sense of how fast your users are consuming your content;
7.4. Production cost per piece – bases on freelancer invoices or the payroll of your staff, you can calculate how much a piece of content costs, so you can take this in mind for the next budget;
7.5. Distribution costs per post – this one shows you the costs per post – add the price of promoting and advertising of the post to the production cost per piece for the same cost.
So, there you have them, the 20 most important metrics for content marketing. How many of them do you measure? Do you know other metrics that we’ve missed, but you feel are important to make this list? Share your opinion with us.
And if you need more help with your content or content marketing, don’t be afraid to contact us – we sure know how to land you a hand.