12 secrets of online content pt.2

Read the first part here – 12 secrets of online content pt.1

7. Visual content – the multimedia often is considered the most effective type of content, because it attracts more interest. More than half of the marketing specialist consider video content to be the one that generates the most ROI. Also, pictures and video are great ways to create natural back […]

12 secrets of online content pt.1

When it comes to online content, there are two important rules – it has to be valuable and should be easy to find (no matter how much quality an online content has, it will stay invisible to the audience if not made easily accessible). With all the content that is published online every second, and all the changes in the […]

How to create content for B2B audience

If your company offers products and services developed for other companies, it means you are working in the B2B field. You’ve probably read a lot about creating content and you’ve noticed that most of the articles on the topic are mainly focused on B2C companies. One part of the information is useful and valid for the B2B market, but there […]